This survey was developed as part of a research study to evaluate and improve STEM courses like CHEM 212. Your experiences as a student in CHEM 212 are very valuable to us. The study has been approved by the UAF-IRB, and your answers are confidential.
Your last name will be collected in order to validate your identity for the purpose of:
1. giving credit for completing the survey
2. assuring that responses are only submitted by individuals enrolled in CHEM 212, and
3. assuring that each student submits only one response.
Your name will not be associated with the survey responses, and the responses you provide will not affect your grade in the course in any way. Participation in the survey is expected to pose no more than minimal risk to you, and data collected from the survey has the potential to benefit the educational community by providing data that may help shape course delivery methods in the future.
The survey should take 15-20 minutes to complete. Please respond as completely and honestly as you can. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, you may contact Lori Sowa ( or Ute Kaden ( at any time.
Thank you for your time – your opinion matters!